VPS initial configuration
Software setup on Debian 10 (Buster) fresh install
sudo -s
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install htop wget curl vim
apt install default-jdk
java -version
mkdir .alephium && cd .alephium
wget <https://github.com/alephium/alephium/releases/download/v0.11.1/alephium-0.11.1.jar>
Launch the node in dedicated "node" shell
cd ~/.alephium
vim network.conf
java -jar -Xmx500m alephium-0.11.1.jar
Local port forwarding through ssh tunnel
/note /!\ from local machine
ssh -L 12973: user[@](<mailto:[email protected]>)alephium-server
then the alephium node api is accessible at .
curl -X 'GET' '[<>](<>)node' -H 'accept: application/json'
curl -X 'GET' '[<>](<>)' -H 'accept: application/json'
Create wallet "test" with password "test"